
Eating Out with Kids

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Eating Out with Kids

Hi. My name is Laurie Taylor. My husband Max and I have four children all under the age of twelve. One of the things we enjoy doing as a family is having a night out eating at a restaurant. You are probably thinking, "They enjoy eating at restaurants with four young children?" Yes, it can prove to be a challenge at times, but for the most part we have found ways to keep the children happy, and we all have a great time. There have been many times when other patrons have come up to us and comment on how well behaved our children are. I would like to share some of the ways we make eating out as a family an enjoyable experience for all. From toddler to Daddy, everyone has a lovely evening.


Why You Should Consider a Happy Hour Restaurant

Happy hour has become an increasingly popular trend in the restaurant and bar scene, offering not only discounted drinks but also an array of benefits for patrons. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day at work, catch up with friends, or simply enjoy a more economical dining experience, happy hour presents a multitude of advantages that should not be overlooked. Socializing and Networking Happy hour provides an ideal setting for socializing and networking. Read More 

Supporting Local Mexican Restaurants: A Delicious Act of Community

There's something special about walking into a local Mexican restaurant. The aroma of spices, the vibrant decor, and the welcoming staff contribute to an atmosphere that's both comforting and exciting. By choosing to support local Mexican restaurants, you're not just treating yourself to a delicious meal, but also making a positive impact on your community. A Taste of Authenticity When you step into a local Mexican restaurant, you're stepping into a world of authentic flavors. Read More